IST is an extremely aware school and our community is not afraid to make our voices heard. But in comparison to other International Schools our voices are a lot smaller. International Participation aims to put our school at the front of global efforts by encouraging our community to participate in international events.

Target 1: IncreasE OUR Outreach to other International Events

As IST, we are really good at learning about international groups and global projects, but we do not actually participate in them. Whilst we have hosted events such as ISTA and have gone on trips such as BIMP we do not regularly commit to a variety of projects especially in other departments such as science, art, English, sport and the humanities. We encourage a big push at IST to join the international community and connect with other institutions and schools around the world. This will give our students fantastic experiences and push IST to the forefront of international efforts.
Many of the teachers have friends / colleagues beyond our school often, in very interesting places. All we need to establish good connections is time. Our teachers are very busy trying to organize what is going on in the school, nevermind outside of it. This is why we suggest the creation of an International Efforts Co-ordinator to encourage and organise International Opportunities.
School / Business who has implemented this scheme:
Estimated Cost:
Little, as trips would be financed by the involved students.
Target 2: organise LOCAL volunteering TRIPs

Scale: SMALL
There are many local groups that clean up our local areas / participate in awareness campaigns etc... We think IST Students should be encouraged to participate in such events. Trips could be organised for year groups or for optional groups. We suggest that it is done outside of school hours on weekends or Wednesday afternoons.
One local group is Champ d’action, who are a rubbish collection team (more information available on their FaceBook page). Recent events include, “Nettoyer les bords de la Garonne Beauzelle” which happened on the 14/02/21. There are plenty of opportunities and could be organised as IB CAS Trips.
We would need someone to monitor local events and update the school when events are happening and how to get involved. This could be done by the CAS Coordinator or by a CAS Student.
School / Business who has implemented this scheme:
Estimated Cost: