Scroll down to learn about ways you can help save the environment!

At school you can set your laptop to power mode, this means that the battery can last longer without you having to charge your laptop.
In establishments outside of school, you can take the stairs instead of using an elevator
Unplug electronic devices that are not in use (within reason
Take different forms of transportation, an obvious example but it has the best impact!
The green petal represents the R trio: Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.
Don't buy things you don't need!
Buy things that are built to last
Use paper decorations or lanterns instead of balloons and plastic decorations
Use reusable bags to put presents in, and only wrap presents using brown paper or newspaper
Reject plastic bags when purchasing items in shops, bring a reusable bag instead
Use reusable cups, mugs, and waterbottles, instead of single use cups and bottles
Use rainwater to water plants
Reuse sheets of paper that were going to be thrown away as scrap paper, instead of using only one side.

Red represents meat, and its impact on the environment. Raising livestock uses up a lot of water: 15000 litres per kilo of beef, and 10000 litres per kilo of sheep. There is also the issue of food: most of the crops we grow are used as food for livestock. And finally, animals such as cows are a large part of greenhouse gas emissions – yes, cow farts and burps actually make up 40% of methane emissions!
What can you do to help?
Try eating less meat in general – it is recommended to do one day a week where you don’t eat meat.
Out of the different types of farm animals, chickens use the least water, so try and eat more chicken than other types of meat.
If you’re capable, opt for being completely vegetarian!
The yellow section of the Earth Campaign represents the conservation of insect environments, focusing particularly on bees. Our aim to improve the green spaces at IST by planting low maintenance flowers and building insect hotels in order to help the declining bee population. At home you can also plant flowers in re-used tins or pots. Flowers like lavender and poppies grow well in the south of France, and they attract lots of bees.

The blue section of the Earth Campaign represents saving water and using it efficiently. To not waste money and energy cleaning water, you can:
switch off the tap when you brush your teeth
fix leaky taps
take quick showers
Collect water when you are waiting for it to change temperature
Put a water bottle in your toilet (for more information go to )