The IST Environment Group is an awareness campaign created by a group of IB students in 2019. By focusing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we shall eventually cover and tackle the 17 Goals, from 'No Poverty' to 'Quality Education' to 'Climate Action'. The UN SDGs are blueprints for peace and prosperity, now and in the future. They demand urgent action from all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. These goals must go side-by-side with other strategies – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
We want to encourage people to make smart long-term investments in all aspects, from energy and infrastructure to promoting collaboration. We often hear lots of negative messages about climate change, but we wanted to send out a positive message. We can still make a difference to our planet and our communities; all it takes are small differences in our lifestyles and open-mindedness. As an awareness group, we spread valid and relevant information as well as helping coordinate efforts to gain a larger outreach and to have a greater impact. Commit to the climate cause!

We have just released our Manifesto, detailing a list of targets we think our school should commit to. By committing to these targets our school will improve itself in line with what the IST Environment Group set out to do, which you can read at the top of this page. We encourage you to have a read of what we have come up with and if you have any further suggestions get in contact with us, we'd love to hear your ideas!
After a very successful first year, the IST Environment Group returns for Year 2! We have been busy posting blogs over the summer holidays but are ready to return to some major projects this year. We especially look forward to forming a successor team from the eager Grade 11 CAS students! See what we have to say in our new video!