You're smart... but maybe not entirely in the way you thought so. The problem is that our society has wrongly taught us what intelligence is. Intelligence is what makes us human - it's our ability gather knowledge... stay with me, this isn't a TOK article I swear.
When we think of intelligence we often think of things like IQ tests, except they're REALLY wrong. IQ tests, measures the ability to make judgement from words, images and most of all - math. Now here is where I raise an eyebrow because math isn't the only way to gather knowledge, each skill is valuable; even in a society that prioritizes technology and scientific innovation.
Thankfully Howard Garner, an American psychologist also agrees with me. And was why he developed the theories of multiple intelligence. What are they you ask? Well let me explain...
To be musically intelligent you have to have a natural sense of pitch, beat, rhythm, dynamics (loud and quiet).
Musically intelligent people could play instruments or maybe understand the insane rocket-science that is Music Theory; but most importantly - they have an understanding of they way music flows and connects together.
The peak of musical intelligence is something called Perfect Pitch - this is the ability to repeat a note without reference. So if I told you to sing a D# could you create it on the spot?
This ranges from classical composers like Beethoven to contemporary musicians like Doja Cat or even drummers like Dave Grohl.

One aspect of this is being spatially aware. That's the ability to have a sense of place or direction, so people who easily know their way to places.
Another part of this is being able to visualize space - for example working out in your head how well that new sofa is going to fit in the living room. This can lend itself to drivers, architects or photographers.
An example of spacial aware people are: Zaha Hadid or Picasso.

Linguistic intelligence isn't all about reading and writing. Although it does include it, other skills of linguistically intelligent people are: the ability of pick-up new languages, to tell good jokes and talking with wit.
We can be proud as a school to have a high average for linguistic intelligence where people can speak several languages or are able to pick up new ones.
Think of people like the Brontë sisters, Sir Wintston Chuchill, Peter Kay etc...

This is the ability to find reason. Their abilities to easily find connections makes them good at logical puzzles which lends their skills to subjects like math and the sciences. Often these people are able to solve a problem before they explain it in words.
An IQ test is mainly a test logical-mathematical intelligence. We tend to favor this type of intelligence as the subjects it links to (math and science) lead to technology and innovation which propels our culture and the economy.
Famous people include: Albert Einstein, Katherine Johnson, Stephen Hawking etc..

This one's for all the sporty people. People tend to criticize athletes, particularly footballers, for being "dim". But athletes carry their brains in their arms and legs. They are able to make intelligent judgement on things like speed and movement.
Kinesthetic intelligence isn't only for athletes, but for our artists as well, in the way they control of their hands.
Some famous examples are: David Beckhem, Charlie Chaplin and Michael Jordan

This isn't to be confused with being an extrovert. People with this sort of intelligence have the ability to understand other people, to empathize and connect with what others say or feel. This doesn't mean they get along with people or are loud - they just have an ability to properly understand people.
A good example are: Gandhi, Graham Norton or Oprah.
Understanding yourself is super important, but not everyone is great at it. Throughout our life (and particular in IB) we are told to reflect to understand ourselves. People with this intelligent know themselves, they can set realistic target and strive to make themselves better people.
These people could be Freud or Eleanor Roosevelt.

Yes... if you have this intelligence it could mean you are the next Bear Grylls. These people are connected and aware of the environment - people like the scouts or the readers of this environment article perhaps!
These people could range from Greta Thunberg to Katniss Everdeen....
We all have these intelligence, but some people are more gifted in certain areas, which is what makes us all unique. I hope you found this helpful and have learnt that your skills are valuable!