It isn’t a big secret that low income countries often suffer will malnutrition or in worse cases starvation. I wanted to tell you about an amazing charity called UNICEF and how they have chosen to deal with this problem.
UNICEF is an organisation that seeks to improve the life of children and their families. They work with the United Nations to ensure that children are properly looked after and are seen as a priority. UNICEF fights for every child for the right to a safe shelter, nutrition, equality and protection from any disaster or conflict. They partnered with Plumpy'Nut® to help save millions of children from malnutrition.
You’re probably wondering exactly what is a ‘Plumpy'Nut®’? Well they are basically these packets that contain RUFT which is short for ready to use therapeutic food. The ingredients are peanuts, sugar, vegetable fats, skim milk powder and a mineral and vitamin complex. It is used to treat severe malnutrition (SAM) in young children. 3 packets a day for 6 to 8 weeks can help a child fully recover from SAM which is especially useful during droughts or floods.

This product has helped improve the care of children with severe acute malnutrition drastically being one of the main causes of death among children under five. Plumpy'Nut® is so effective due to how easy it is to use, transport and store. The child or children c
an also be treated at home rather than at a hospital making it a much easier and less traumatic experience for the child. There is also no need to heat it or dilute it in water which is why it is so beneficial to those suffering from a drought. Not only that but it is also inexpensive, with only 37 euros, a child can benefit from one month’s treatment.
UNICEF is the main buyer of Plumpy'Nut®, 80% of emergency stocks are supplied to them worldwide to treat millions of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition each year. UNICEF also makes sure to regularly train the local health workers to identify symptoms of severe acute malnutrition so that a child can be treated as soon as possible.
To help out you can donate to UNICEF so they can buy more Plumpy'Nut® to save children around the world. There is a link to a fundraiser below where you can donate money. Doesn’t have to be a lot even €1 counts!
Visit the webpage below to find out how UNICEF and Plumpy'Nut® helped save Maria John.

Maria John:
I liked that your detailed explanation of Plumny’Nut, and how it helps malnutrited children. Also, your article taught me to know exactly what UNICEF are doing, and how to support them.