In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have seen that there has been not only greed but also hate. As the virus first came to be known, some people who were fearful turned their anxiety and hate towards Asian people, calling it a 'Chinese virus'. This can happen when people don't know the true meaning of their anxiety, whether it was the fear mongering articles and statistics or the crazed toilet paper shortage in America. We can turn our heads and look at the wholesome stories of quarantine love or the reopening of shops, but we can't ignore the increasing problems in our society such as Xenophobia and Racism.
In America, the protests in Minneapolis have been getting louder and louder. The death of George Floyd has rocked the news for days. Instagram stories have been uploading sad but helpful content on how to donate, spread awareness and how to respond correctly to this sickening event. Here are some links to some useful articles below: (there are also endless links on social media of where to donate to the Floyd family GoFundMe and several others that protect the protesters in Minneapolis)

These events truly show how we need to come together as a community and sort through major problems in our society. Artists have come together to illustrate reminders of those lost to the pandemic but also to brutality and racism. A message has been going around reminding people that if you stay silent you are choosing the side of the oppressor. Activists have been spreading awareness by putting threads and videos onto massive social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. We should respond to this building of hatred with the same urgency to which we responded to this pandemic. The virus will pass, leaving devastation, but the racism and hate towards minorities and communities will stay much longer if we don't educate ourselves and reflect on how we can help from our position.
It's a hard and heavy topic for a lot of people, although it doesn't hurt to read some articles and understand the events that are going on around you. Look for ways you can help in our community or at school. Our community in Toulouse is very much centered around Airbus and IST for lots of us. Try immersing yourself in the culture around you, find small businesses in Toulouse and support them! Donate or volunteer at local charities like Restos du Coeur or (a brilliant space in Toulouse for educating yourself about, Diversity, Equality, Discrimination, LGBTQ+ etc...) Turn to friends and ask them what they think, what you can do, and spread awareness to those who do not know the extent of what is happening.
Thank you for reading, focus on how you can be part of the change, whether big or small :)

Another excellent piece, and a great reminder to check out events and places in our 'local' community.
A very timely article. I've been impressed by the diversity of people that have got behind the movement on social media to make real changes. World leaders, businesses people, actors, musicians and ordinary folks like us all want to see change. Great work!