Being vegan is a lifestyle choice - vegans do not consume meat, seafood or dairy products. It is now widely accepted that a plant-based diet is more beneficial for the environment than a diet centered on animal products. While animal-based diets carry several health risks, a varied plant-based diet is better for you and for the environment. People choose to become vegan not only to curb animal cruelty but also to improve their health and protect the environment.
Environmental problems such as global warming, climate change, air and water pollution affect every person and animal on this planet. The production of meat and other animal products places a huge burden on the environment.

Meat production requires an enormous amount of energy; fossil fuels are burned in the raising, slaughtering and transportation of animals. Livestock accounts for 51% of annual greenhouse gas emissions. If you eat meat, your greenhouse emission can be twice that of someone who eats a plant-based diet.
Cornell University, for example, found that producing 1 calorie of food energy from beef requires 40 calories of fossil fuel energy. The university also found that producing 1 calorie of human-edible grain takes only 2.2 calories of fossil fuel energy.

Eating an animal-based diet is the largest contributing factor in habitat extinction. It is estimated that producing meat for consumption requires three times more land than is needed for a vegan diet. Furthermore, animal waste products from the meat industry are polluting the environment and destroying habitats. Pollutant waste products are washed into our water systems, causing fish to die. As of 2011, 530 marine areas worldwide were identified as “dead zones” – places where few species can survive.

Only 2.5% of all water on our planet is fresh water and only 30% of that is available for drinking. Food choices can have a large impact on water demand. Raising animals requires vast amounts of water, as they need to drink, wash and cool themselves in hot temperatures. So why are we wasting water when we could receive all the nutrients we need from plant-based food?
The production of plant-based foods is a more efficient use of our resources, as it requires far less energy from fossil fuels as well as less water and land. If we remove animal products from our diet, we can play a key role in reducing the damaging impact on our environment.
Thank you for this very educative article! You proved your points with shocking data which I think really helps the reader feel the weight of the problem. If we reduce meat in our diets, we can actually make a real difference. Thank you again!