SDG 9 - Infrastructure, Innovation and Industry
First and foremost, educate yourself on the issue! - well done, you're doing this part right now, so keep on reading. Let's talk a bit about what SGD 9 is actually about, as it's one of the more confusing goals that we don't always think about when we talk about sustainability, but it is absolutely imperative for developing countries and allowing for all the other goals to take place!
According to the UN - SDG 9 aims to "facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States by 2030"
It's important to understand that without good infrastructure, innovation cannot take place, and the industry cannot thrive. If you're not sure what infrastructure is, it is your roads and motorways, sewage lines, water treatment and mains, buildings, transportation and communication systems. They are the most expensive part of a country and very important for allowing work and the product cycle to happen, ensuring a thriving industry.

2. Live conscientiously - Some of the facts about SDG 9 are shocking, in some low-income African countries a lack of sufficient infrastructure has cut productivity to 40%, 4$ billion people in the world don't have access to the internet, and in some developing countries only 30% of agricultural products undergo industrial processing compared to 98% in HICs. This is a major cause of disparity between countries and means that they don't have the same opportunities to innovate.
3. Understand that for businesses to thrive, you need good and green infrastructure! This ensures that they move along with the future of our planet and are not only eco-friendly but last a long time.
4. So know you know what SDG 9 is about, what can YOU do to help. Firstly, support and donate to organisations who help countries gripped by war and other humanitarian crises improve their infrastructure. For example, UNICEF, the UN, the Poseidon Projects and many more.
5. Encourage sustainable infrastructure, it must fit with our ever changing world. Both campaigning online to make a global difference, and campaigning locally will make a change. Ask your Mairie about greener infrastructure, make clear your demands for more public transport, bike paths, carpool carparks and much more! This encourages green and sustainable infrastructure!

6. The last step - Educate others, this can be through sharing this article, watching videos about SDG 9, reading the sources at the bottom of this post. Stay informed.
If you are still unsure about SDG 9, then here is a great video explaining it with an animation. The author talks about specific places such as Kenya, China, India, and several South American countries.
Interesting and informative